Dr. Debra Gray, PT, DHSc, DPT, GCS, CEEAA, GCCST, FSOAE, CAPS has focused her physical therapy career in geriatrics and has worked in a variety of inpatient, outpatient, home care, and community based settings. She received a Doctor of Physical Therapy from Simmons College and a Doctor of Health Science from the University of Indianapolis as well as a Bachelor of Science in Physical Therapy from Wayne State University and a Master of Education from the University of Wisconsin. She has the following specialty certifications: Geriatric Certified Specialist (GCS), Certified Exercise Expert for the Aging Adult (CEEAA), Geriatric Training Certification (GCCST), Certified Aging in Place Specialist (CAPS), and Functional Standards for Optimal Aging Expert (FSOAE). Debra is a co-editor of “Physical Therapy for the Older Adult: Examination and Intervention: An Evidence-based Approach” with Dr. Carole Lewis. She is currently an Associate Professor of Physical Therapy at the University of St. Augustine for Health Sciences and is the owner/manager of Gray Therapy, Education, and Consulting.